Our Top 3 Most Helpful Tips for Investing in Your Kids Bedroom Furniture

Creating a nurturing, expressive, yet connected space for your child can be one of the most daunting endeavours for a parent. With the wave of minimalist living, paired-back décor and consideration to over-purchasing products that have an expiry date, the only category that’s yet to catch up is everything child-related. We’ve got plastic toys galore and beds shaped like cars, and whilst they are entertaining for the time-being, they can be hard to love as your child grows and tastes change.

Our Top 3 Most Helpful Tips for Investing in Your Kids Bedroom 

Invest in versatility

The best investments are ones that last. Children grow quickly and by investing in pieces that evolve as they do, you ensure they are set up well into teenage years. That’s a really great 10 years (at least) where investing in pieces like the Dream Cloud Loft Bed and Singolo Single bed as separates can then be transitioned into two different bedrooms with completely unique set ups.

By providing them with the basics in furniture, the next step to satisfying their creative flares and ever-changing moods is by incorporating life through furnishings such as shaggy rugs, fairy lights, bold-coloured linen, or artwork and wall hangings with more playful patterns to keep the fun factor alive. The main aim is to create a room that has the ability to mature as they do.

Consider purchasing the core pieces for your child's bedroom as you would invest in staples like the perfect coat or coffee machine for home.

Create Space

A kid’s room is their retreat. They’ll sleep, eat, study, move, and play in that room like it’s their own special playground. By dedicating corners of the room for separate activities, it virtually creates a bigger space than what you may think – with more opportunity for the fun stuff.

Create a dedicated hanging award area to showcase their achievements. Place a trundle drawer underneath their bed. By adopting these unassuming, yet adaptable storage solutions, you are redeeming space for the important things, such as dedicated study zone, a play corner, and reading nooks.

Sharing is caring

Sharing bedrooms is one of the most exciting things about having a sibling. Unlimited sleepovers, countless hours spent not sleeping, imaginary games and collective toys – some of the fondest memories are recollected looking back on those wild years. Parents country-wide are probably reading this with both eyebrows raised. Yes, they will most probably have some of the world’s worst screaming matches, too. But they’ll always make up, and they’ll always have their little oasis to hide away in together.

Let’s hear what the experts have to say about sharing bedrooms…

Lastly, make it fun! 

We know colour can be a minimalist’s nightmare. Investing in furniture that allows for a blank canvas means that we can adapt and play with colour, texture and prints that we know our children will grow tiresome of one day. Some pieces will even have the versatility for you to adapt into the shared spaces in your home once the kids have up and left the nest.

Products Featured - 

Ko Kids Play Table and Chairs
Singolo Single Bed
Dream Cloud Loft Bed
Trundle Drawer
Peggy Pegboard


If you're looking for inspiration for your child's bedroom, consider browsing our Kids Room Pinterest board, or browsing our collection on Children's furniture.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you need to discuss any ideas, inspiration or product. We're here to help!

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